Sunday, February 17, 2008

Add URL to Search Engines - FREE

YES, You can freely add your URL to searcengines, you don't have to pay anything for this.

* Subit Plus
* Blog Search
* Submit Express
* EntireWeb
* Jayde
* Walhello
* FocusLook
* InfoTiger
* Nerdworld
* ExactSeek
* FyberSearch
* BigFinder
* Alexa
* Burf
* Scrub The Web

Find out whether your Web / Blog search engine friendly,

Check whether your Website / Blog search engine friendly,

- @ Scrutheweb

Check the Website / Blog ranking
- @ Subit Plus

Ways to build Traffic to your Site

If you want your site to attract visitor's, succeed in online community, you need traffic. Generating traffic is not a big problem if you know how to do it correctly, even you don’t have to pay anything to generate high number of visitors to your site.

Ways to build Traffic to your Site

1. Proper HTML Structure

Titile Tags, Meta Tags (Description , Keyworld), H1 Tags

- HTML is the Best
- Frames are worst
- Java scripts well behind
- Spiders cant crawl images
- Use Keyword in Hyperlinks
- Search Engine Loves content

2. Satisfy the Search Spiders

Google, Yahoo, MSN Live and ALO can bring thousands of free trafic to your site, but you will have to provide rich content for their feeders

3. Submit your Site / Blog to search Engines

Submit your site, blog url to Google, yahoo and MSN live. It will not grantee that your site will be list in one of these search engines, but their is
good change it to happen.

4. Generate trafic to blogs

- Inteligent Comment on other blogs (relate to your subject)

5 Exchange Links

Search Engines loves your site, when different websites are poiting back to your your site.

- Contexual links are best (From a related article you have your own link)
- Exchange your link with others

6 Keep building your site, the more larger your site, the more search engines start loving your site
- Perfect your writing

7 Other ways,

- Have a Newsletter
- Create RSS Feeds
- Utilize online Forums

How to Optimize your Blog/ Web site for Google Search Listings

Search engine optimization or in simple terms, get list in google, yahoo or msn is must in this time of internet. Every web master want their site to come up first in google search.

This series of articles, we would like to look in to ways to improve the web site Search Optimization,

Because of abuse, many search engines no longer use the tags to help rank pages, but you should still include them because they do use them to describe your site,

title Title of Your Site title
meta name="description" content="Description of your site here."
meta name="keywords" content="keywords separated by commas"

The Big 3 Engines - Google, Yahoo and MSN (Live)

There are a handful of engines out there that bring traffic, but the reality is a very large percentage of search engine traffic comes from Google,
Yahoo and MSN. Yes, there are other engines like AOL, Netscape etc., but they pull their results from the Big 3.

1) Get your site listed in The Open Directory -
Link you site to as much as website possible

2) The second way to get listed in Google is to use their own Add URL form located here

3) The third way to get listed is to be linked from another web site that is already in Google. That way, when Google's spider goes to visit that site for updates, it will pick up the link to your site and add it. This method does not always work, but many sites do get in this way.

Getting into Yahoo and Live (Formerly MSN)

Submit directly to MSN by going here

Yahoo's direct submission site is

Yahoo Directory and it's not used very much by web surfers.